Sep 29, 2022
“Should academic journals
appoint themselves social justice gatekeepers?”
is the question journalist and author Jonathan Rauch asks in
responding to new ethics guidance from the academic journal Nature
Human Behaviour. The journal introduces the guidance by ominously
noting that “although academic freedom is...
Sep 15, 2022
This Saturday, Sept. 17, is Constitution Day. It was on this day in 1787 that delegates to the Constitutional Convention signed America’s Constitution. And while the First Amendment was not ratified until 1791, discussions over the role of free speech and expression in a democratic society were alive long before...
Sep 1, 2022
What can Charles Darwin teach us
about dissent? What do the professional basketball careers of Wilt
Chamberlain and Rick Barry tell us about conventional
today’s show, George Mason University Professor Todd
Kashdan helps us
understand the value of principled dissent: what it is, how to do
it, and the...